

with vECU Creator

The Smart Tooling for Development

Accelerating SDV Development with Cloud-based Virtualization

In current vehicle projects, software development often depends on the availability of hardware. Due to the late and limited availability of hardware at the project's start, software development, integration, and testing typically begin only after hardware development. This delay can lead to the late discovery of problems, resulting in escalations, budget increases, and high risks.

Hardware Virtualization offers a 'Digital Twin' of an automotive Electronic Control Unit (ECU) within the cloud, allowing software development to be decoupled from hardware availability. As an alternative to target hardware (ECU), it is possible to share simulated devices among the development team to build, deploy, and test software.

Virtualization means speeding up development while reducing risks, saving resources and increasing quality.


Outstanding Benefits with Cloud-based Virtualization

Boosting Efficiency and Saving Time in Software Development with Virtualization

Speed Up Development

Digital Twin
  • Start software development before hardware is available
  • Shorten iteration cycles in development
  • Use virtual ECUs instantly worldwide

Save Resources

Men with digital background
  • Enable fast and scalable setup of development environment
  • Reduce expensive hardware for every developer and hardware in the loop (HIL) costs
  • Adapt fast to changes in project setup

Increase Quality & Reduce Risks

Digital Twin
  • Find issues in the development cycle earlier
  • Automate testing during continuous integration and continuous development (CI/CD)
  • Decouple application development from underlaying hardware
  • Start vehicle integration with OEM without hardware

Virtual Development of Automotive ECU Systems

vECU Creator for ECU Virtualization

Continental’s virtual ECU (vECU) Creator allows software developers to run automotive ECU systems in a virtual cloud-based environment. This enables engineers to continuously develop, debug, and test software in the cloud while the hardware is being developed in parallel.

With this approach, new applications and software features can be developed faster, more efficiently, with higher quality, and in a more agile manner. The vECU Creator was developed in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS).


Virtualization Function Overview

  • Simulated ECUs (AUTOSAR Classic, AUTOSAR Adaptive, QNX, Linux, Android) enable the development and continuous testing of interactions between operating system partitions and ECUs.
  • Configuration of virtual ECUs and network configuration parity with physical deployment, along with access management to the cloud infrastructures.
  • Users can add stimuli to the virtual ECU just as they would with a real ECU, enabling debugging and continuous testing.
  • Compatible with third-party simulation/virtualization tools.

CAEdge vECU Creator as the Smart Tooling for Development

vECU Creator is part of CAEdge, Continental’s comprehensive framework for automotive software development. It is the perfect solution for the development of complex software projects and the ecosystem to embrace Software-defined Vehicles, from architecture to software integration.

With the most diverse building blocks, CAEdge provides the toolset for individual development, optimal collaboration, testing, and validation.

CAEdge is a cloud-based framework for:

  • SW development decoupled from HW development
  • Virtualization and simulation
  • Seamless collaboration
  • Validation and improvement of system functions 
CAEdge Logo

CAEdge vECU Creator on AWS Marketplace

CAEdge vECU Creator is technically and commercially available as Software as a Service (SaaS) on the AWS marketplace.

Go to Marketplace

Field Experience

Virtualization of Smart Cockpit High-performance Computer (HPC)

Hardware virtualization of the  Smart Cockpit High-Performance Computer (HPC) is the first automotive development project to separate software and hardware development. It applies our leading virtualization technology for real-time simulation and real-time connection of peripherals.

By using virtualization,  Continental can offer a ready to use Smart Cockpit HPC within 18 months from  project start to start of production.

High-Performance Computer (HPC)

digital twin

Digital Twin of Smart Cockpit HPC

Smart Cockpit Hardware (Vehicle)

  • Smart Cockpit High-Performance Computer (HPC) based on Linux, Android and Classic Autosar partitions
  • Peripheral hardware in vehicle, e.g. microphone, loudspeaker
  • Execution in dedicated SoC/µC based on ARM cores


Fully Virtualized Smart Cockpit HPC

  • Virtualization of Linux, Android and Classic Autosar partitions
  • Real time execution of partitions, communication, and connection to peripherals
  • Same development and test framework like in hardware setup
  • Virtualization is hosted in cloud for cooperation with OEM’s/3rd party  
celpa award 2024

Award-winning Virtualization from Continental

In the "Digital" category, the European Association of Automotive Suppliers, CLEPA, honored the Smart Cockpit High-Performance Computer (HPC) Virtualization, a cloud-based automotive project that is revolutionizing the development of software-defined vehicles. The award underscores Continental's ongoing commitment to making future mobility safer, more efficient, and more sustainable through innovative technologies.

Collaboration at its Best 

Continental and Amazon Web Services Accelerate Automotive Software Development

Continental on AWS

Since 2021, Continental and Amazon Web  Services (AWS) have been accelerating automotive software development through  their collaboration. The virtual ECU Creator is part of the comprehensive  Continental Automotive Edge (CAEdge) framework, which runs on AWS.  

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