
Build-to-Print Service (B2P)

With our position as one of the market leaders of automotive electronic supplier, we are proposing a competitive series production to the customers who are looking for an Electronic Manufacturer Supplier (EMS).

We are offering expertise and support with a wide array of value-added services, within a trusted international manufacturing environment, with the advantages of our global network of technology and competence centers.

Features & Benefits

  • Experience in efficient production for various electronic products: High Performance Computer (HPC), Telematic Control Unit (TCU), Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
  • High manufacturing quality level
  • Engineering and technical experience to support Design for Manufacturing & Testability
  • Electronic component sourcing community
  • Additional Services: Design improvement, Product Validation, Test & Simulation
  • Global footprint and International Experience in OEM, Tier 1 & Tier 2 Businesses
  • Intellectual Property Firewall ensured with a dedicated B2P organization

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