Digital Factory:

First Continental Plant in Europe Equipped with 5G Network


5G optimizes manufacturing processes, allows for greater efficiency, reduces downtime, and addresses current and future challenges

August 16, 2023 -  Continental has launched our first private 5G network enabled manufacturing facility in Europe at Brandýs nad Labem, Czechia, which produces display solutions for our User Experience Business Area. The 5G network provided by T-Mobile Czech Republic has been customized to our requirements for high-tech production, connecting over 1,000 devices and sensors at the plant.  

This advancement of digitalization of production enables speeding up of communication between employees, equipment, and machines, such as sensors, production robots and autonomous transport vehicles. It is also improving connectivity between Continental plants in the global production network due to a uniform and secure environment with reduced latency times.  

5G connectivity not only optimizes efficiency, but also offers production employees additional flexibility, allowing technicians to collaborate with colleagues on site from home thanks to comprehensive and fast connectivity. Smart connectivity also makes cross-plant collaboration within Continental’s production network far more efficient, faster, and more effective.  
