
Reuse as our first thought for every customer request

Making the most out of our assets enables streamlined Automotive development and helps us achieve Operational Excellence

July 20, 2023 -  Reusing has become a normal part of our daily lives. Also in the Continental business environment, where our teams can benefit from already existing assets from our many employees worldwide. It is a major focus of our R&D department and the key to increase efficiency in both the development and the validation phases of projects.

By consistently empowering reuse activities at Continental, we increase customer satisfaction, reduce complexity for developers and benefit from collaboration.

How are we going to make this happen?

To support in adopting new habits and making reuse easier, we already are  providing  and will continue to offer, the necessary tools and processes. For example, our  Continental Asset Marketplace, or “CAMP” for short which is our one-stop-shop for all reusable modules.  It offers hardware, software, system modules, and entire project solutions that already have been validated.

Learn more about our reuse mindset by watching the video.
