
Securely networked together

Securely networked together

More than 5 billion devices contain software from Elektrobit - the software developer's expertise is substantial as a consequence. The company has been on the market for more than 35 years, has been a leader in automotive security for more than 16 years, and has been under the umbrella of the Continental Corporation since 2015. Particularly when it comes to cybersecurity, Continental relies on in-house experience and support.

This also applies to the Elektrobit subsidiary and automotive cybersecurity pioneer Argus, which has also been part of Continental since 2017. The Israeli company helps vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and aftermarket connectivity providers protect connected cars and trucks from vehicle hacking. The big advantage: Argus Cybersecurity Solutions for the automotive industry have been successfully tested by government organizations. These Solutions can be used directly in vehicle series production or for additional equipment in the aftermarket.

Together with Continental's expertise from 150 years of mobility experience, in-house advanced cybersecurity research and technology, and a central product security team that has been keeping an eye on developments for more than a decade, a triad succeeds that makes Continental the leading provider of cybersecurity solutions in the automotive sector.

And when it comes to cloud solutions, Continental is also focused to provide the best solutions for its customers. That´s why   it relies on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for its CAEdge framework. Software is at the forefront of automotive innovation - with its CAEdge framework, Continental is establishing a new approach to vehicle architecture and software development in the automotive industry. With AWS as a partner, Continental will further expand its leading role in automotive software.

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