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Supply Chain Standards & Manuals @ Continental Automotive Technologies

In order to ensure a flexible and demand oriented supply for our global customers, all Suppliers should cooperate closely with Continental Automotive.

Economic processes and structures are state of the art requirements in the automotive industry. Therefore our suppliers need to understand the general supply chain processes at Continental Automotive and the basic rules of cooperation, which are summarized in the Global Supply Chain Concept.

Global Supply Chain Concept -   SIZE: 6.0 MB | Latest Update: 2024-03

Plant specific packaging requirements – supplements

Part Change Notification SIZE: 69 KB | Latest Update: 2017-07-07

Connection Type: OFTP2
Connection Information:  Communication Agreement / Datasheet
Certificate available 28-Nov-2023  


Connection Type: AS2
Connection Information:  Communication Agreement / Datasheet
Certificate  available 28-Nov-2023  


Connection Type: VAN / GXS Mailbox    
Connection Information: OpenText / GXS Trading grid
Certificate:  Location Go-Live Dates for SPIRIT
Remarks: For use Conti Auto Worldwide | Preferred for North American locations

  • Specification Name:
  1. Global DELFOR_04A Guideline Size:  PDF, 975 KB | Issue Date: 2010-Mar
  2. DELFOR_04a Example Size:  174 KB | Issue Date: 2022-Oct


  • Specification Name:
  1. Global ASN / DESADV_07 Guideline Size: 2.3 MB | Issue Date: 2022-Apr
  2. DESADV_07 PDF Example with Packaging Size: 589 KB | Issue Date: 2019-Aug
  3. DESADV_07 Packaging Diagram Size: 384 KB | Issue Date: 2019-Aug
  4. DESADV_07 PDF Example without Packaging Size: 390 KB | Issue Date: 2020-Oct
  5. DESADV_07 PDF Example with KBDELJIT Call Size: 173 KB | Issue Date: 2022-Jun


  • Specification Name:
  1. Global DELFORP - delfor response from supplier DELFOR_97a Guideline [ Planned Deliveries ] Size 1.4 MB | Issue Date: 2020-Oct
  2. DELFORP_planned-deliveries-Example Size: 1.7 MB | Issue Date: 2021-May


  • Specification Name:
  1. Global DELJIT_04a Guideline Size: 1.8 MB | Latest Updates 2020-Feb
  2. Outbound DELJIT_04 Example Size: 147 KB | Latest Updates 2022-Apr


  • Specification name:
  1. Global VDA4938 / Format INVOIC_07a Guideline Size: 1.3 MB | Issue Date: 2013-Nov


  • Specification name:
  1. Global VDA4938_SBI (Self-Billing) / Format INVOIC_07a Guideline Size: 1.0 MB Issue Date: 2013-Nov


  • Specification name:  
  1. Global VDA4990 / Format INVRPT_13A Guideline Size: 770 KB | Issue Date: 2014-Apr
  2. INVRPT_13a Example for inventory movement+stock (CMI) Size: 159 KB | Issue Date: 2019-Oct
  3. INVRPT_13a Example for inventory stocks (VMI) Size: 157 KB | Issue Date: 2019-Aug


  • Specification Name:
  1. Global REMADV_03a Guideline Size: 912 KB | Issue Date:   2008-Oct


  • Specification Name:
  1. Global ORDER_14a Guideline Size: 829 KB | Issue Date: 2007-Apr
    *** Aftermarket only ***


Items below are for the Guadalajara Warehouse Process ONLY !!


  • Specification Name:
  1. Inbound INVRPT_97 Guideline Size: 829 KB | Issue Date: 2022-Apr
  2. Inbound INVRPT_97 PDF Example Size 161 KB | Issue Date: 2022-Oct


  • Specification Name:
  1. Inbound DESADV_07 PDF Example with KBDELJIT Call Size: 174KB | Issue Date: 2022-Jun
    ​Note = Uses same global DELJIT_04 Guideline above


  • Specification name:
  1. Outbound DELJIT_04 PDF Example Size: 147 KB | Issue Date: 2022-Apr
    ​​Note = Uses same global DELJIT_04 Guideline above


  • Specification Name:
  1. Outbound KBDELJIT_04 Guideline Size: 810 KB | Issue Date: 2022-Apr
  2. Outbound KBDELJIT_04 Example Size: 167KB | Issue Date: 2022-Apr

Doc. Name: Location Go-Live Dates for SPIRIT
File Type: PDF
Size: 211 KB
Latest Update: 2023-Oct

Doc. Name: EDI changes from SPIRIT
File Type: PDF  
Size: 212 KB
Latest Update: 2023-Oct

Doc. Name: Frequently Asked Questions
File Type: PDF  
Size: 183 KB
Latest Update: 2023-Oct

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